Category: bca sem2

IPU BCA Semester 2 - Data Structures Using C - End Term Examination Paper (May-June 2017)(#bcapapers)(#ipumusings)

BCA Semester 2 Data Structures Using C End Term Examination Paper (May-June 2017) Main main of this subject 'Data Structures in C' in second semester of BCA is to understand the

IPU Musings

Computer Science - Data Structure Notes - Part 1 - Trees

Trees Computer Science - Data Structure Notes - Part 1 Data structures are the building blocks of any programming language. Following are the PDF notes on Data Structures- help you in your stud

IPU Musings

MCA - Design and Analysis of Algorithms - What is Algorithm Analysis and Complexity (#mcanotes)(#ipumca)

ANALYSIS AND COMPLEXITY OF ALGORITHMS Q1: What do you mean by "Analysis of algorithm"? Answer: “Analysis of algorithm” is a field in computer science whose overall goal is an understanding

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 4- Java Programming - End Term Paper (2016)

END TERM EXAMINATION Fourth Semester - BCA MAY-JUNE 2016 Paper Code: BCA-2016 Subject: Java Programming Time: 3 Hours

IPU Musings

IPU BCA Semester 2 - Mathematics (End Term Paper 2015)

END TERM EXAMINATION Second Semester [BCA] MAY-JUNE 2015 Paper Code: BCA-102 Subject: Mathematics [2011 onwards] Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 Note: Attempt any

IPU Musings
