Category: class10 FIT

CBSE Class 10 - FIT - Societal Impacts of IT

Societal Impacts of IT Social Networkingcredits:wpclipart MCQs Q1: Which of the following is considered as cyber crime? (a) Virus Attack (b) Worm Attack (c) Hacking (d) All of these Q2: The u

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CBSE Class 11/10 - Computers/FIT - Programming Languages

Programming Languages (Questions & Answers) Q1: What is a computer language? Answer: The instructions are fed into computers in the form of computer programs- follow some semantics (gramma

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 10 - FIT- XML Basics (MCQs)

XML Basics MCQs Q1(FA Manual): What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version? (a) (b) (c)

CBSE Notes

CBSE Class 10 - FIT - HTML (SA 2) MCQs

Foundations of Information Technology HTML (SA-2) MCQs Q1: Which of the following is an attribute of

tag? (a) SRC (b) LINK (c) CELLPADDING (d) BOLD Q2: Which HTML attribute is

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