Category: bca sem6

BCA-312 Artificial Intelligence - End Term Examination Paper - May-June 2018 #ipumusings #ggsipu #bcapapers

BCA-312 Artificial Intelligence - End Term Examination Paper - May-June 2018 Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usu

IPU Musings

Rise Of Machines - New Cloud Trends Setting the Future (#futuretrends)(#artificalintelligence)(#ipumusings)(#intelligentmachines)

Rise Of Machines - New Cloud Trends Setting the FutureOver the last decade rise of cloud-based applications- terabytes of storage have revolutionised the Internet. Whether it is sharing photographs-&n

IPU Musings

BCA/BTech Computer Science/MCA - Useful Linux Commands Summary (#eduvictors)(#ipmusings)(#bcanotes)

Useful Linux Commands File/Directory Basics Commands ls List files ls -al formatted listing with hidden files cp Copy files mv Rename files rm Delete files rm -r dir delete

IPU Musings

IPU BCA - Semester 6 - Multimedia And Its Applications (End Term Paper 2017)

BCA - Semester 6 - Multimedia & Its Applications(End Term Paper 2017) Paper Code - BCA 308

IPU Musings

IPU BCA - Semester 6 - Linux Environment (End Term Paper 2017)

BCA - Semester 6 - Linux Environment(End Term Paper 2017) Paper Code - BCA 306

IPU Musings
